Monday, April 30, 2012

Jerry Starr

He was my favorite teacher ever.
I've said many times over the years that Jerry Starr is the ONLY reason that I was able make it through high school (okay-barely) and end up with a dual career of Broadcasting & Theatre.

He will be remembered not just by me, but the hundreds-probably thousands of lives he touched in the years that he spent at Kenmore West High School as an English, Drama & Speech teacher and the director of dozens of Musicals & Plays.

We celebrated Jerry's life and our shared memories a few weeks ago when the auditorium was officially renamed "Starr Auditorium".  It was a wonderful event with family, friends and former students on hand to share in the special occasion.

Video from the event is on line (in 10 parts) -some great stories from former students...check it out!
Dedication Of "Starr Auditorium"